Sunday, February 7, 2016

Pirating Group 3DM Will Stop Cracking Single-player Games for One Year

Chinese software pirates 3DM have announced that the group will cease cracking single-player games for one year to see how it affects sales.According to TorrentFreak, 3DM’s leader “Bird Sister” made the announcement on her personal blog. “We just had an internal meeting. Starting at the Chinese New Year [February 8], 3DM will not crack any single-player games,” she wrote. “We’ll take a look at the situation in a year’s time to see if genuine sales have grown.”She also wrote, “Cracks by overseas warez groups will still get posted on the [3DM] forum, and we will actively deal with these,” but it’s not confirmed whether that means the group will ban other cracks on their forums.Last month, Bird Sister wrote that the new “Denuvo” digital rights management system used in games like Just Cause 3 and Dragon Age: Inquisition was so sophisticated that she predicted “in two years time I’m afraid there will be no free games to play in the world.” Inquisition took the group about a month to crack, but Just Cause 3, which released last December, has still not been cracked.