Friday, October 24, 2014

Far Cry 4’s Villian is very different from Vaas

Far Cry 3 was a great game for a variety of reasons, but what really made it amazing was the awesome villain Vaas and the amazing performance the voice actor did with him. He was terrifying and unforgettable and easily stole the show of Far Cry 3. So, how is Far Cry 4’s villain, Pagan Min, going to compete?So far, Pagan Min certainly has our attention with his bleached hair and bright suit but Ubisoft have said they are keen for Min to be his own villain, rather than a clone of Vaas. The process of creating Min was apparently a long one, and there were several versions of the character according to Ubisoft.“Vaas was lightning in a bottle; it happened and we all kind of looked at each other and went ‘that’s a really interesting performance’, and just took it from there. Pagan Min was more of us looking at the process, getting into rooms and arguing.” said Soulban. “We had several different versions of Pagan Min before this one. Versions that will never see the light of day, you’ll never recognise. We didn’t like them, we opened up the cellar door, kicked them down into the cellar and then locked it. They’re done, they’re gone”Pagan Min certainly looks like a great character from what we’ve seen in the trailers so far. Whether he will rival Vaas is something we’ll only know for sure once the game is released.

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