Thursday, June 18, 2015

Xbox Live’s Major Nelson Hints At Halo: The Master Chief Collection Coming To The PC

During this year’s PC Gaming E3 2015 conference, Phil Spencer revealed that Gears of War Ultimate Edition will be coming to the PC. However, it’s no secret that PC gamers want more triple-A games from Xbox One in order to be convinced that Microsoft truly intends to embrace the PC platform. And Major Nelson hinted at the Halo: The Master Chief Collection coming to the PC.

When Boogie2988 told Major Nelson to release the Halo: The Master Chief Collection in order to show their support to the PC platform, Major Nelson responded and said that the ‘message’ was received.
Now while this is not a confirmation, it does show that Microsoft is well aware of what games should be ported to the PC. And by that, we mean Gears of War, Halo and Forza.
The good news is that a PC version of Gears of War 4 was already hinted at the PC Gaming E3 2015 conference, so here is hoping that Microsoft will deliver this time around.

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