Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Rise of the Tomb Raider - No Loading Screens, Bigger Areas to Explore and More

What’s a guaranteed way to kill immersion? Loading screens. Well, Rise Of The Tomb Raider is throwing those out of the window.Rise Of The Tomb Raider is promising a seamless experience, without a single loading screen. Game Director Brian Horton described the experience as such:
“As soon as you start a new game if you never died or don’t quit you will have a seamless streaming experience throughout the whole game.”
This seamless experience is complemented by the huge map sizes. To be precise, Rise Of The Tomb Raider totes explorable areas three times the size of their previous game counterparts. This sizeable map change offered the team a chance to mix up the puzzle elements in a way that compliments the larger maps, and they delivered. Horton said they are “employing a ‘Nested Puzzle’ approach that means there are multiple puzzles that all work together to solve 1 big puzzle”.The team have not neglected their leading lady however, Lara also has some shiny new features to show off; most notably her new traversal mechanics. Lara can now climb trees, swim down rivers and underwater, and use her new abilities to “subtly approach an enemy and take them out from above or from below.”All this means traversing these huge areas will be even more swift and fluid, and will provide a great Tomb Raider experience without breaking immersion.

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