Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Grand Theft Auto 5 PC System Requirements To Be Revealed Within Days

Finally we can almost quit our grumbling, as Rockstar has revealed that development on the PC port of Grand Theft Auto V is practically complete, with some intensive testing going on ahead of a full system requirements announcement within the next week. 

It’s been a long old wait, over 16 months in fact, but Rockstar’s open-world masterpiece is tantalisingly close to arriving in PC-land. It’s currently in the final stages of testing, which should mean it’s well on track to finishing up development ahead of its January 27th release date. 

Answering a question on the Newswire, a Rockstar representative wrote “We’re presently in the final stages of development on the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V and hope to have confirmed official system requirements to share soon here at the Newswire, please stay tuned for that to be announced in the coming week. Thank you and we’re very excited to bring GTAV to the PC gaming community!” 

Rockstar also confirmed that any progress made on any of the console versions of GTA Online will be transferrable to PC, including all of your cash, equipment, and progression, so if you've been busy ploughing through it on console, all is not lost. The Online Heists will also be coming to PC, with a release scheduled alongside the console versions.

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