Monday, June 16, 2014

Batman: Arkham Knight Release Date Possibly Leaked By Kevin Conroy

Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy may have just narrowed down the release date for Rocksteady's Akrham Knight to January, 2015. 
In an interview with Groovey.TV, Conroy said: 
"It was supposed to come out in January, we were working on it for a year and a half, it's still not done so it's going to come out next January but I know everyone's frustrated. The reason it's been delayed is because it's so awesome." 
Conroy made his comment at the 5:00 minute mark. While a voice actor and not responsible for the game's release date, Conroy has previously revealed information onArkham Knight, possibly suggesting he's on the money with his remarks regarding a January launch. 
Batman: Arkham Knight was initially slated for release on October 14th before being pushed back. The game is coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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