Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Rumour: Saints Row 5 Might Be Announced At PAX On Friday

You can place this strongly in the “unconfirmed” pile of today’s news, but it seems Deep Silver Volition may be on the verge of announcing Saints Row 5.

Deep Silver just revealed that Volition plans to announce its next project at PAX this Friday, August 29th. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean Saints Row, but the fact that the project will be announced during a panel held by Saints Row Producer Jim Boone and Saints Row voice actress Natalie Lander means that the irreverent open-world franchise just shot straight to the top of our “likely candidates” list.

During the friday panel, Volition will be revealing exclusive art, details and gameplay on the upcoming project, whilst PAX attendees will be able to participate in a quiz show hour with Lander, who voices Kinzie in Saints Row. The title will also be on show on the main show floor, alongside playable builds of other big upcoming Deep Silver Projects. These include builds of Dead Island 2, Escape Dead Island and the recently released Metro Redux.

The panel will be taking place at PAX this Friday at 10am PT, or 6pm UK time. We’re not sure yet whether the event will be streamed online, but we’ll keep you up to date with all this Deep Silver news as we know more. What do you think Deep Silver Volition is working on? Will it be Saints Row V, or some kind of Saints Row spin-off? We want to know your best guesses and estimates.

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